“Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.”


I started my blog in May 2010. At the time the blogosphere was not so crowded. The first professional bloggers were rising, and for us who shared just one passion (or two, or three), it was a hobby that allowed us to open up to the world, to discover ourselves and to be part of a community.
As you know, today everything has changed.
8 years later, blogging has become more than a hobby, it is now an assumed career that can transform enthusiasts into worldwide-recognized talents. "Was it better before?" Tough question. Yes because everything was carefree and more real and no because it was too marginal and sometimes taboo, especially in France where the environment is much less developed than in the UK or the US. I do not blame the whole business side because there is nothing wrong with business. It is a pride to build a brand from scratch and to live by your passion. Who has not dreamed of that?

Why do I go into the past? Because that's precisely why I decided to take over my blog today. Because 8 years later I still love creating content, sharing my passions with people who have the same ones. Plus, I find that blogging can have a very therapeutic aspect. So let's create a no stress, no rules, no pressure and only sharing space full of fashion, quotes, home decor... bits of life here and there over my desires and my moods.

Looking forward to start this new adventure ♡

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